Αθανάσιος Νένες

Athanasios Nenes is a Professor of Atmospheric Processes and heads the Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes and their Impacts (LAPI) at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. He is an affiliate researcher of the Institute of Chemical Engineering Science at the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas in Patras, Greece and a founding member of the Center of Studies on Air quality and Climate Change (CSTACC) at the institute. His research focuses on the impact of atmospheric processes (especially aerosol) on clouds, climate, air quality and ecosystems.

He is the prime author of the widely-used ISORROPIA aerosol thermodynamics models, and parameterization modules for describing aerosol-cloud interactions in climate models, and developer of instrumentation to measure aerosol properties and Cloud Condensation Nuclei. He is a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher (2021,2022), having authored/co-authored 315 manuscripts (Google Scholar citations: 29000, h=91). He serves as President of the Atmospheric Sciences Division of the European Geophysical Union, and member of the UN Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (WG38: Atmospheric input of chemicals to the ocean). He served on the US National Academies Committee on the Future of Atmospheric Chemistry Research, Secretary of Atmospheric Sciences of the American Geophysical Union and Editor in the Copernicus journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2004-2019). Prof. Nenes is an American Geophysical Union Fellow (2020); a member of the Academia Europaea (2021); a Fellow of the American Association for Aerosol Research (2022); a recipient of the Copernicus Medal (2022), a ERC Consolidator Grant (2016), the Vaughan Lectureship, Caltech (2014), the Ascent Award, American Geophysical Union AS Section (2012), Whitby Award, American Association for Aerosol Research (2011), Houghton Award, American Meteorological Society (2009), Sigma Xi Young Faculty Award (2007), Friedlander Award, American Association for Aerosol Research (2005), NASA New Investigator Award (2004) and a National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2004).


Τίτλος: "Climate Change: Changes, Challenges and Outlook"
Θεματική Περιοχή: Περιβάλλον – Αειφορία–Κυκλική οικονομία
Κωδικός Εργασίας: P-534
  • Αθανάσιος, Νένες, EPFL, Switzerland
Αρχεία Εργασίας
Περίληψη (Abstract): Download