Dimitris Vlassopoulos

Education: Diploma, Chemical Engineering, NTU Athens, 1983; PhD, Chemical Engineering, Princeton Univerity, Princeton, N.J., USA, 1990.
Employment: Mobil R&D, Paulsboro, N.J., USA (1990-1992), Metelco SA, Athens (1984, 1992), FORTH, Crete (1992-), University of Crete, Materials Science & Technology (2002-).
Visiting Professor University of Delaware, KITP Santa Barbara, ESPCI, ETH Zurich, DTU, Université catholique de Louvain, INSA.
Recognition: FORTH prize for basic research (2009), Weissenberg Award (2015), Bingham Medal (2019), Fellow, SOR (2018), APS (2019). European Editor Rheologica Acta (2006-2011), Associate Editor Soft Matter (2015-2021), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Rheology (2022-).
Publications:246 papers in peer-referred journals, 7 book chapters, 179 conference presentations (88 invited).
Research area: Rheology of soft materials. The underlying theme is the molecular engineering of soft matter by devising strategies based on the design of model systems with adaptable molar mass, macromolecular architecture or tunable interactions and bridging polymers and colloids. Current topics include nonlinear rheometry, ring and branched polymers, supramolecular assemblies, polymeric and associating networks, soft colloidal mixtures and jammed states, nanocomposite, microrheology at extreme pressures.
Τίτλος: "Tunable rheology of physical networks from star block copolymers "
Θεματική Περιοχή: Προηγμένα Υλικά και Εφαρμογές
Κωδικός Εργασίας: P-513
- Dimitris, Vlassopoulos, University of Crete